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I've always wanted to live a life that fit with my priorities. Growing up I realized this was easier said than done. I started working at an early age in my family business and developed a strong work ethic.
During college, I ran into a health challenge that changed my original plans and would later lead me to a career I loved. Until that time I worked in a variety of fields: retail, banking and office work.
After I was married with children, these jobs didn't allow the time or flexibility I was looking for. I wanted to do something where I could really make a difference and would fit well with my family life.
I searched for a long time to find an answer to both my health challenges and work situation. A friend invited me to a wellness event and I started on a program that made a huge difference in my health.
Soon others I knew wanted to know about it and I decided to research the business. I liked the credibility I found and chose it as a career. I realized there were many others just like me searching for both better health and additional income for their family.
Over time, the company whose products I chose to represent moved to having a strong online presence. In our current times an online business can create freedom and flexibility as well as excellent income. The flip side is that if you aren’t careful, a person can end up getting sucked into something that sounds too good to be true and really isn’t.
One of the reasons for this site is to help you more easily navigate the jungle the Internet has now become. Secondly, I can share what I've learned about creating a healthy lifestyle of personal freedom as an online entrepreneur.
I'm looking to connect and work with like-minded people with an interest in health and wellness. In our changing world, I feel that what I’m sharing is more important than ever. Having a plan B can make a dramatic difference in your life as you think ahead toward big goals like education for children or lifestyle in retirement (just to mention a few).
If "Designing a Healthy Lifestyle" and "Living a Life of Balance" resonate with you, then you have come to the right place.
Whether your dream is escaping the 9-5 grind, more time with family, real-life adventure travel, long-term financial security, or simply a career change, this site will give you the tools needed to make it a reality in the here-and-now instead of in your golden years, when you're too old to enjoy it.
If you would like some guidance in your desire to find health, freedom and flexibility as an online entrepreneur, we need to connect. You can connect with me here .
I'm also a real and fairly 'normal' person...so feel free to friend me on Facebook and also connect with me on my Fan Page.
Here's to your dreams realized!
Thanks again for visiting my site.
Pat King